Transforming Food Environments
Only 12% of adults in the U.S. are metabolically healthy, and the average adult spends over a third of their day working. Research indicates food and beverage options available at U.S. workplaces are typically unhealthy, often high in calories, sodium, added sugars, and refined grains. Similarly, the prevalence of obesity and type 2 diabetes continues to climb in children, increasing exponentially during the pandemic and fomented by inadequate school breakfast and lunch programs. Reduction in sugar availability in any setting can significantly improve metabolic health.
The RHL Research Foundation is interested in researching and establishing evidence-based protocols and practices for improving workplace and school-based health framed within the metabolic science paradigm. While the statistics cited here are from the U.S., this is a global problem needing global solutions.
Working with technology platform/partners, development of an online database of all added sugars (and non-nutritive sweeteners). A portal and filter will enable consumers to filter the entire food supply to screen out sugar-added products, and the scientific and educational community will be provided access to a global database/re-engineering technology. A revenue component for food & beverage industry access and technical consulting will be included.
Project Funded: Development of a portal and filter to screen unwanted added sugars and sweeteners from the U.S. food supply.
Reengineering the way Process Food is designed with a Metabolic Matrix
Project Supported: Support for the creation and replication of a metabolic matrix, including consultancy, certification, and guidebook for real food; based upon principles and practices that align with Hippocrates’ “Let thy food be thy medicine.” A consultancy component will engage a world-class group of experts in metabolic health and nutrition in addition to generating earned income for the foundation. The research will also focus on incubating and developing models and prototypes to deliver metabolically supportive, nutritious, affordable beverages, foods, and meals to low-income and at-risk populations.
Publication: The Metabolic Matrix: Re-engineering ultraprocessed foods to feed the gut, protect the liver, and support the brain, Frontiers in Nutrition.
Creation of a “Codex Processus”
The difference between healthy and unhealthy food is often “what is done to the food.” Unfortunately, industrial food processing is a black box. We propose to a) daylight key industrial food processes by assembling them into an accessible database and b) apply this information within the Perfact technology platform so that we can link (what is in the food) to (what is done to the food) to the (metabolic impacts of food) within a functional matrix that can be applied to re-engineering processed foods, so they are metabolically supportive (versus deranging).
Neuroendocrinology of Sugar, Technology, and other Addictive / Hedonic Substances
Forging a new paradigm that champions metabolic and behavioral health integration.
Research on Legal and Policy Strategies that Foster Food System Change
The foundation will enable law and policy conversations that drive positive changes in human metabolic health and nutrition – in multiple countries.
Scaling and Replicating the Metabolic Matrix
Applying the metabolic matrix to diverse food portfolios, including workplace and school-based nutrition/cafeteria settings.
Use of Data Science to Transform Food Systems
Making the case for establishing national food databases, providing an analysis of the current situation, and providing an in-depth understanding of the need, solutions, and future possibilities for such databases to foster food system change.
Projects funded: Development and support of four portals and filters for screening out ultra-processed food and sugars, in addition to screening for foods that are friendly to blood glucose and metabolism.