Metabolic Health & Nutrition (CME optional) Conferences & Seminars
Sponsoring and providing leadership for the foremost international metabolic health and nutrition conference, working with co-host Swedish Hospital to forge a matching funding model in addition to ethical sponsorships from leading health and food interests.

Featured educational event for 2022:
Catalyzing Science to Action for Transformation and Resilience Across the Lifespan
The Robert H. Lustig Research Foundation is pleased to be the lead sponsor of this event.
Advanced registration is required. This 3-day in-person and virtual medical education symposium will explore and apply the science of metabolic health and nutrition over the lifespan. Click here to learn more and register now!
Special Project Feature – Groundbreaking work Transforming the Food & Beverage Industry
The link between metabolic health and nutrition is fundamental to tackling chronic disease and changing the food system.
Independent Dialogue on the United Nations Food Systems Summit 2021 Platform
The recording of this dialogue is available here. The PowerPoint presentation is available here.
“Metabolic health” – the primary marker and outcome of nutritional security – needs to be re-conceptualized as a fundamental organizing principle to drive food system change. Chronic disease driven by processed food provided the backdrop for COVID-19 spiraling out of control.
Fundamental and structural changes are needed in the way the food & beverage industry engineers foods, with metabolic health as the “North Star.” Linking good food, metabolism and health reduces or eliminates preventable, diet-related diseases and the financial burdens they foster.
A scalable, replicable framework for doing this is described in a “metabolic matrix,” a science-based template for designing foods that ensure metabolic health. An overview of this concept is described in an article (Food meets health: How a new approach to metabolic health could tackle chronic disease) and a paper (Health Meets Food through a Metabolic Matrix) posted on the World Economic Forum website. The metabolic matrix work is also described in this infographic in English and Arabic. A slide deck is also available in English & Arabic.
Metabolic health is the key to long-term nutritional and economic security. For this reason, the “metabolic reset” dialogue provides rich opportunities for cross-sector collaboration and alignment where food meets health.
In this dialogue, the Hypoglycemia Support Foundation, a consumer/patient advocacy organization in existence since 1980, invites global leaders in the metabolic health and nutrition space to discuss an exciting new framework for transforming metabolic health & nutrition; catalyzing food system change with a science-based approach that the food & beverage industry can adopt and scale globally.
Expert Panel
Robert H. Lustig, MD, MSL, Robert H. Lustig Research Foundation
V.V. Subramanian, MBA, Kuwaiti Danish Dairy (KDD)
Andreas Kornstaedt, PhD, CEO & Founder, Perfact
Tim Harlan, MD, Executive Director, George Washington University Culinary Medicine Program
Rachel Gow, PhD, RNutr, Founder of Nutritious Minds
Facilitator: Wolfram Alderson, MS, CEO of the Hypoglycemia Support Foundation
Inspired by this work, an international symposium has been organized around the pillars of the Metabolic Matrix:
Metabolic Health Symposium: Catalyzing Science to Action for Transformation and Resilience Across the Lifespan to be held June 9 through Saturday, June 11, 2022 (In-person & Virtual).
More information here: https://www.swedish.org/for-health-professionals/cme/conferences/metabolic-health
The RHL Research Foundation plans to offer the following educational and training programs:
The Robert H. Lustig Chair
An endowed professorship, first to be filled by Dr. Robert H. Lustig, and then, upon Dr. Lustig’s retirement of the chair, by candidates nominated by Dr. Lustig and vetted by the RHL Research Foundation. The endowed professorship (endowed chair) will be funded with revenue from an endowment established by the Robert H. Lustig Foundation.
Distinguished Lecture Series
Dr. Lustig and invited guests, invitation-only events, and recorded for public viewing. Each lecture is underwritten.
Leadership & Mentorship
Fostering the next generation of paradigm-shifting clinicians/researchers (Dr. Lustig will lead a Fellowship Committee that vets, selects, and mentors candidate(s) for the Fellowship program).
Training in Paradigm-Shifting Science
Dr. Lustig’s “secret sauce” for being a world-changing / paradigm-shifting clinician-researcher defined and replicated in a training module.
Online Education
High-quality content, including an online magazine, Metabolical.Me, featuring Dr. Lustig and leading experts in the fields of science related to metabolic health and nutrition. This will include an earned income component for the RHL Research Foundation. A partnership with the Hypoglycemia Support Foundation makes this possible.
Model Programs
Provide technical assistance, documentation, validation, and partnership for exceptional model programs featuring metabolic health and nutrition with robust public health and online education components. Co-sponsor educational programs and platforms deliver innovative education and engagement to children, families, and communities, especially those with high risk and underserved populations, in hotspots worldwide.
pRevention, trEatment, and reverSal of dIet- and LIfestyle drivEN diseases in ChildrEn™️
Pediatric Resilience is the first program to receive support from the Robert H. Lustig Research Foundation. Under the leadership of Dr. Uma Pisharody, the program leads the nation by providing innovative education and programs to prevent metabolic diseases in children.
“Where food is medicine, the kitchen is the clinic, and the cook is the doctor!”

Contact the Swedish Foundation here: https://swedishfoundation.org/
Special focus on at-risk communities and populations
There are many parts of the world right now where issues related to metabolic health have reached levels that are overwhelming health care systems and the capacity of local groups to provide education due to lack of resources and support. The RHL Research Foundation will strive to create educational materials and online resources in the native languages of these communities and to work with local groups to empower their efforts while at the same time connecting them with broader networks with similar interests.
Amarga Verdad (“Bitter Truth”)
The bitter truth is that in many parts of Latin America, whole communities lack adequate water supplies, with frequent water shortages due to the pillaging of local water supplies by companies such as Coca-Cola. Despite in-depth reporting on this issue, such practices continue unchecked. Amarga Verdad is a collaborative effort to help local communities fight back, network, document, advocate, and educate using web communications that link to organizations and individuals fighting to protect their communities from the dual threat of water theft and sugary beverages.
Special Project Feature – Empowering communities in Latin America to educate the world about how transnational sugary beverage companies exploit local water resources while saturating communities with sugary beverages.